Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Small Group and Large Group by Juliana
Small Group and Large Group a teaching method that has many explanations but can easily to understand by comparing each other moreover from the characteristic points of them.
Small group can be defined as a teaching method that needs 8-12 or maximal 25 students. This method can be applied in classroom, seminar and workshop. In this method, teacher can be facillitator, leader and guidance of discussion.

Large Group can be defined as a teaching method where students  are more than small group and can be applied in wider and bigger room than small group. Large group can be seminar, conference, lab classTV/DVD/Video and teleconference.
Based on the presenter’s explanation, can be known that the small group metod is effective than large group because in small group, teacher can control the students and the class easier. All questions, critics and suggestions can be conveyed by students. However, in large group, many students makes teacher hard to control and concern them.

Lexical Approach by Masnur
Lexical Approach’s purpose is to improve students vocabulaty and the ability of students to produce new vocabulary into sentences. In the other words, we can say that from  Lexical Approach, students are expected not only to improve the mastering of new vocabulary but also can use them properly
Presenter started the presentation by showing the crhonology of development of “Lexical Approach”. Then, preseneter explained that this theory includes four things namely ChunksIdiomsCollocation and Fixed Phrase. All the explanation can be understood except Chunk. Audience had asked the question for this Chunk and the presenter had tried to explained and given the examples but audience still hard to find the true meaning and true understanding of Chunk.
There are six unit in Lexical Approach namely wordspolywordscollocationsfixed expressionssentences frames or head and binomials. All units have been explained clearly by the presenter and he also gave the example foe each unit. It really helped the audience to understand the material.
Generally, the explanation of Masnur about Lexical Approach was very good and I persoanlly can understand and can imagine how this method is applied in classroom from seeing his simulation. 

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