Suggestopedia by Anisah
According to the explanation of Anisah, she explained that suggestopedia is a teaching method that motivates students to study. This method related to students’ study style: visual display, audio, and physical involvements during learning process. This method is also used to help students in memorizing the subject.
There are two main purposes of a suggestopedia namely first, it ise used to increase students’ learning motivation from suggestion. The suggestion here can be pictures, music, drama, that we know those are interesting things for students. Second, to help students become confident. It is because the used of this method can make students more brave to take action, to show their abilities.
There are six characteristics or key features of suggestopedia. First, Comfortable environment, the chairs are arranged semicircle and faced the black or white board and the light in the classroom is dim in order to make the students’ mind more relaxed. Second, The use of music, The use of music in order to create a level of relaxed concentration. Third, Peripheral Learning, There are posters and decoration to show various grammatical information. Then, Free errors, Students who make mistakes are tolerated because the emphasis is on the content not the structure. After that, Homework is limited, Students reread materials given in the classroom once before they go to sleep at night and once in the morning before they get up. And the last, Music, drama and art are integrated in the learning process, they are integrated as often as possible.
This method was explained clear enough by presenter. But she did not give simulation and also still tend to read her power point only. In general, I can understand her presentation.
Project Based Instruction by Wirda Yani
Wirda explained us that Project Based Learning is a teaching method that is used by teacher that uses problems and challenges that the students must solve by working together and then they will get their knowledge and skill improved. Two points that I could get from her presentation was this method is a long term method and students centered type. It is because to look the result students need lots of time to accomplish their projects. And the project that the students do must be related to the subject and through the project they can understand the subject more deeply. In this method, teacher does not assess their students understanding by giving a test like traditional way, but rather uses project as the assessment.
I honestly still did not understand about her presentation. She was difficult to explain this method. I got a bit explanation from Ms. Cut Intan Meutia at our last meeting about this method. Additional information that I got is this method needs much fees to be held because the project is something big and many things must be prepared and done.
I personally suggest Wirda to study more about this method before presenting her task in order to her and all of students in our class can understand and get the benefit of her presentation.
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