Contextual Instruction by Azkia Fairuz
In my opinion, this is a very interesting method because it is a method that connect between educational/academic subject and the context of this life. So, in this method, teacher must be very creative in creating a material for learning and must suit them to the real context in daily life.
There are five theories which is built this method namely knowledge based constructivism, effort based learning, socailization, situated learning and distributed learning. And also there are nine points of this method’s characteristics. They are: First, cooperative. The applied of this method can improve the ability of students to be cooperative by working together in a learning group. Second, mutual sport. Third, fun. This method must be fun because it combines between the subject that they learn to the context in they daily life that they can take part directly in the lesson. Afterwards, not boring. Teacher must be smart to make all materials interesting in order to students do not get bored. Then, learning with passion. After that, active students. Here, students must be active so the purpose of this method can be gained perfectly. Subsequently, sharing with friends. Here, students can share their knowledge with another students. Thus, students critical and creative teacher and the last, using variety sources.
I personally do not really understand about this material yet. According to me, the explanation given by the presenter was not clear yet. Further more, she did not make simulation to increase audience’s understanding. But I do appreciate her effort to explain her material. She has a loud voice and could control the condition of the class.
Situational Language Teaching by Riydha Karina
Riydha started her presentation by revealing the history of this method. This method was build in 130-1960 by British Applied Linguistic. The figures of this method are Harold Palmer and A.S Horsnby.
The characterictic of this method are language teaching begins with the spoken language, the target language is the classroom language, new language point are introduced and practical situationally, simple forms should be taught before complex one, the last, reading and writing are introduced oncea sufficient lexical and grammatical.
This method is almost similar to Oral Approah, because it is also a method to introduce language. The application of this method in class is also the same. The class begins with stress and intonation practice. Then both teacher and students make revision. After that, presenting a new structure of vocabulary. Then, oral practice and afterwards, students read the material and teacher explain the material. This method ends with giving witten exercise to students. So, we can conclude that the lesson must begins with practice, then explanation and the last giving exercise.
There are some advantages of this method namely first, this method is very suitable to introduce language, then, students can master the lesson quickly and accurately. Third, the use of oral practice is often. And the last, make students easier to understand because they can practice it directly.
I personally can understand what the presenter explained. She explained her presentation well. I thought she had made a good preparation to her presentation. She also tried to explain this method using two language, Indonesian and English. In addition, she also made a simple simulation. In short, I can conclude that her presentation was good.
The Grammar Translation Method by Nurisma
Ema began her presentation with revealing the definition of this method. Beased on her explanation, The Grammar Translation method is a traditional method that is used to teach dead language and literature such as Latin and Greek. She also told that the focus of this method is about the rule of Grammarand their application in translation text from one language to another language. So, in this method, students must learn the grammatical rules and then they apply what they have learnt by translating a source from one language to another languge.
There are only two goals of this method. First, this method is used to develop students’ reading ability. It is possible because students need more read than speak because thay have to read and learn many grammatical books in oreder to they can marter the rule. After that, in translating a source that given by teacher, they must read and analyze it again, so that their ability to read increase. Besides, the main material of this method is textbook, so studnets must read alot. Second, this method can develop general mental of students. Although this method have many good purpose, but this method is not free from lacks. There are some disadvantages from this method as well. It is because the IQ of students to understand grammar are different. Then, it is also influenced by the low standard of translation. Then, it cannot be used to make students ability to speak increase.
Nurisma has explained this method well althoug she did not make a simulation but I personally can understand about this method. If I can give her advice, it would be better if she provide a text and translate it by using grammatical rules. I think it will describe more about the use of this method.
Community Language learning by Syarifah Karmila Sari
One characteristic or I can say special characteristic of this method is the role of both students and teacher. The students in this method are as clients and teacher as counsellor. So that in this method, the function of teacher i not only to teach students material of the lesson but also consoull the problem of students in order to can know students need. It is very good in learning because teacher can directly watch the development of students.
There are three advantages of this method, namely nonthreatening, students can freely communicate and make interaction without feeling afraid of making mistake. Second, students independence. Students can show their own ability and the last, the emphasize of humanity side not only linguistic side. But here are disadvantages of this method, teacher poor translator, it maybe caused by the low knowledge that the teacher possess. Then, because in this method teacher must also be a counsellor, it is very possible that in fact, there are many teachers that have no capability in counselling.
To make her presentation good, syarifah also made a simulation. It helped audience to understand this method. She was well prepared because she can explain all her power point well. She also can answer all questions.
Learning Strategy Training and Classroom Management by Khairunnisa
In her presentation, she must explain two methods. I will begin my review from the first method, Learning Strategy Training or let me make it short “LST”. We start from the definition of SLT. SLT is a method that provides some actions to make students better in learning a second language.
There are three principles of this method. First, the role of teacher is not only to teach but also to learn. Second, strategies not also be taught in isolation but as the part of curriculum. And third, this method help students to continue their education of their graduating in formal study.
This method uses metacognitive strategy. There are three points of metacognitive strategy. They aret think aloud, checklist, rubrics and organizers and the last, explicit teacher modelling. After that, it also uses cognitive strategy. In this strategy, students must interact with the material. And the last, affective strategy, the interaction between person to another person, students to teacher or students to students.
Second method that is explained by Nisa is Classroom management. In this method, teacher must maintain students’ positive behavior, motivation and establish expectations for the students.
There are six rules in this method namely speak English, bring the material, raise you hand before you speak, listen to the teacher, do your homework, say please and thank you. There are five tips for teacher to make this method successful namely start the year tough, be fair to all students, be prepared for disruptions, over plan, be patient and keep practicing. There are six voice levels, they are: silence is golden, spy talk, low flow, formal normal, loud crowd and out of control.
Both SLT and Classroom management are well explained by Nisa. She is well prepared. She can explain all materials well. Her power point is also complete and she made simulation to increase audiences’ understanding.
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