Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Multiple Intelligence by Laras Aprillia
Multiple Intelligence is a teaching method that is applied based on human intelligence. Laras explained that intelligence here means the combination of cognitive, psychology development, anthropology and sociology. So, in this method, teacher must know students’ intelligence. All students must have their own intelligence and each intelligence must be developed.

There are five points of Garner’s theory. First, all human being possess all nine intelligences in varying degrees. It means that every person has different intelligence profile. Second, these nine intelligence may define the human species. After that, each intelligence occupies different area of brain.
Then, Laras explain eight intelligences, they are: nature smart, people smart, number smart, picture smart, self smart , body smart, music and word smart. There are four factors of educational reform, they are: assessment, curriculum, teacher education and community participation.

In her presentation, Laras explained each point clearly. She also made audience took part to her presentation. In short, I can say that her presentation was good. 

The Audio Lingual Method and Drilling
The Audio lingual Method is a method for foreign language teaching which emphasized the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It use dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. Risnami told that this method was appeared during the second war.

There are three techniques that are used in this method. First, repetition drill. In this technique, teacher says a word than asks students to repeat it until they get true pronunciation. Second, substitution drill. In this technique, teacher ask students to change a word into another word. It can be number, pronoun and gender. The last technique is transformation drill. Teacher teach students to change a positive into negative sentence, present tense into past tense or from positive tinto interrogative sentence.
There are three activities of this method namely dialogue, pattern drills and application activities.

Actually, it is a simple method to be explained but I thought that Risnami did not really master the material. I can say that because she could not explain all points of her power point. But at least, I still can get what direct method is. 

Whole Language by Nanda Elliza Putri
Elliza made a very good presentation althoug there was no simulation in her presentation. But she was well preapred and could explain all her materials well. She also can use 70% English in her presentation with a good pronunciation.

In her presentation, Elliza told that definition of this method is a teaching method that teach whole aspects of language not fragmentary. So, we can say if we teach about a kind of a text, we do not teach the purpose and organization of the text only, but we must also teach punctuation, grammar, tense, vocabulary, pronunciation as well.
There are five basic principles of this method. Namely separation of language skill into listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with emphasis on the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing, use of dialogues as the chief means of presenting of language, emphasis of certain practices techniques, mimicry, memorization, and pattern drill, and discouraging the use of mother tongue in the classroom.

The advantages of this method are all the students are actives in the classthe circumstance class are more interesting and life and the speaking and listening skill are more drilled, so the pronunciation skill and listening skill are more controlled. however the disadvantages are for the smart students this method is bored, because the procedure of the aim method is majority repeat the sentence. Sometimes the students are confused because the teacher explain the material in simple way not in detail way and the last, the grammar skill is not more drilled.

Natural Approach by Cut Sri Wahyuni
Icut began her presentation by revealing the history of this method. This method was created in 1976-1977 by Tracy D. Terrell &  Stephen Krashen. Then, she explained about the theory of natural approach. There are two parts of this. They are language means meaning and vocabulary, it is core of langugae. Both of them must can be understood.

Then the theory of learning is relax. It means that students must feel relax, enjoy and comfortable in classroom. The main purpose of this method is to improve students ability to speak fast.  There are three advantages of this approach. First, fast. By applying this method, students are expected to can speak in target language fast. Then, relax, students can feel relax when they are studying and the last effeective, this method is very effective for elementary school. Next, disadvantages of this approach are not focus and little time. It is because there are many activities that students must do while time is limited.

Cut can master and explain her presentation well. She also give example of using this method and made all audience took part in her presentation. Then, she has loud voice and coud control the condition of the class.

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